Saturday 16 December 2017

How to make a self-hosted WordPress website. Quick and easy steps

How Make A Self Hosted WordPress Website 

Are you thinking of making a website? Well you have come to the right place. The first thing you should think about is the platform onto which your website will be built. There are two main website making platforms online, mainly Google’s Blogger and WordPress. These are the main content management systems on the internet as they do not require much coding from scratch. There are also Joomla and Dru pal content management systems. For our case we are going to use WordPress since it is user friendly and does not require you to learn a lot of programming which can take you at most six months. With WordPress you can have your WordPress running in a few minutes.
Now the two most important things you will need are:

Website Domain

On WordPress the website is free but using a website with a (www.yoursite.wordpress.com) domain will make visitors think that your website is not very credible. So, it’s very paramount that you buy a website domain, that is its best if the domain is a (www.yourwebsite.com or .net and others). This is the web address or your websites Universal Recourse Locator also known as URL.

The best Domain registrar for WordPress is usually Bluehost. You can check out their website and see how to get a domain for yourself. I usually recommend that if you are making a website to represent your company then your domain should look like this (www.yourcompanyname.com).However if you want to start a website with the default domain that is given by WordPress then you can still use that. In your case you have to stand out in order for people to take your website seriously. You have to spend money to make money.


After you buy a website domain, now you need to buy a hosting service. This again is limited to those who would want to buy hosting packages for their website. A hosting package usually provides your website with space online where your website is going to live. I never mentioned this earlier but this is the best time to do so. There are two types of websites on WordPress. The self-Hosted WordPress website and the one that website usually hosts for you on their servers. If you are currently using a free WordPress account then this is the one that you are probably using.

Having a self-hosted WordPress website is usually the best as it gives you more control of your website. And this is where hosting comes in. Once you buy the preferred package on BlueHost.com now you are ready to install the WordPress content management system on your hosting account. If you had time to examine your hosting package you will notice that with different packages comes more storage and many other features. Once you log into your hosting account you now have access to various tools that will help you upload and install WordPress. Luckily for you most hosting companies have provided one click easy steps for their customers to be able to create websites faster.
Note that most hosting companies also give free domains on registration. Once you install WordPress then your website will be ready. You can now see the available themes that suit your website’s requirements. Explore the WordPress dashboard and look for various plugins that can help improve the look and feel from your website.

Now it is not usually automatic that you make money from a website immediately you launch the website itself. I Have written about this and if you are interested in seeing how to start making real money using your blog then this article is for you



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