Tuesday 3 October 2017


    Yes, you just read that, just in case you’re wondering if you read that title right. It’s about time this particular group of Kenyans realized that Kenya does not belong to them. This goes out to those Kenyans who think that they are more Kenyan than other Kenyans yet 42 tribes came together to fight for this beautiful country. We as Kenyans are wondering where we missed the mark? When did Kenya turn from being ours to that of a particular tribe? However, it’s been proven that the best way to hide something from an ignorant fool is to write it on a book, so let’s take time school some of this lost Kenyans.

     Fifty-four years after fighting the colonialists for what was rightfully ours, instead of fighting poverty and better education and accessible healthcare for all, we are now fighting a particular group of Kenyans who just can’t get the point the whole nation got decades ago. Is it that hard to identify what’s right from wrong? At this rate, it’s hard to tell if you can differentiate your right hand from your left, too blind to see that individualism carries the day and not tribalism to a large extent. Extremely proud to be used as rubber stamps and its very disturbing that we are tempted to think that this might be that particular crop of descendants of political collaborators who made independence hell. Guess what, independence happened anyway.
Also read : Are We really secure  during elections
     If Raila’s father, Jaramogi was like some Kenyans out here, he would have accepted to be the first president of Kenya and the now celebrated Mzee would have rotten away in prison. Luckily, he is not that breed of Kenyans, he had the people at heart and respected the people’s decision.  What happened to the people by the people for the people? Tom Mboya, Robert Ouko and most recently Msando of IEBC joined the long list of political murders that have rocked this country and shocked a single tribe that they all come from. The contribution of this people to this country and  to what we are today as a nation can never be said enough times. Then comes this mad man Mosses Kuria talking in his vernacular about killing the same people, how silly are we as Kenyans to take that lying down, the saddest part was the cheers from some Kenyan as he said it. Get your history straight, it’s annoying that history is written in books. The old adage however confirms my suspicion, ‘’ If you want to hide something from a stupid person, write it on a book.’’ Babu Owino calling the president a dog does not even remotely compare to that statement and it’s not even close to funny.
   I’m tempted to think of what would happen if this country was split, imagine having a group of people who are grossly associated with theft and removing passengers from cars and hacking them to death along Naivasha-Nakuru highway, then add a bunch of cattle rustlers and modern-day people with poisoned bow and arrows in the 21st century where we thought guns would be the go to thing. That’s one poisonous combination and the end result leaves an endless trail of results; arson, genocide and lastly the turning of a country into Somalia. The only question on the table is how long it will take, because lawlessness and landlessness will be the order of the day.  If we cannot have free and fair elections in this country, then we will not fight. We will remove the cancer the best way we know how to, well cut it out! We are tired of mungiki dresses up as police men and rape our people in universities and homes, shoot and kill our children on the balcony of our homes. 

   Just in case you’re wondering, yes, it’s a riot act and Kenyans are tired of your old tired tactics of getting what you want. We have had this image of Kenya for a long time only to realize that it was a deception and inheritance for a group of entitled people. We need what belongs to us, a country with unity and peace.  We should know what belongs to you, having in mind that hundreds of acres have been stolen by the Founding father which belongs to us. I think its accurate according to Uhuru Kenytatta, Mr. Jaramogi Oginga Odinga and history as it is to call Mzee Jomo Kenyatta a thief and land grabber if my history is accurate. If some Kenyans can’t stand the truth and other Kenyans with the same intensity, then we should just say goodbye and part ways. Luckily, we still believe in operation Okoa Kenya and with no doubt, when Kenyans come together great things happen. We are in the struggle for internal free and fair self-rule for all Kenyans. All Kenyans should therefore no just look the part but act the part as well. But, during the struggle for independence, there are also those untold stories of men and women who hid under their beds while it happened. You can therefore hide under your tribal veil as long as you want, Kenya will surely have its way at the end. Kenya will stand and its bigger and better than two or three tribes combined. My closing remarks are however simple, shame on you!



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