Tuesday 25 July 2017


With all due respect, with the top most position of this land in mind; shame on you Mr kenyatta. Now today they have rallies all planned out for him and his deputy who did not care to honour a date with the people of this nation. To account for their govenance for the last almost five years . To let kenyans know why their money was pocketed by his close family and friends. He missed out on a date with destiny, and in turn a chance at the second term in office. The slogan of ten million strong might have just grown overnight.
Millions of kenyans and non kenyans waited anxiously for that dissapointing turn out of events from someone who should have known better. How do such people make it to office? They say that this is a youthful country and i still believe that there are sane, open minded people whose votes will liberate us from this unfortunate scenario we found ourselves in. We owe that to our history, ourselves and our generation who we'd want to inherit this nation. The display of arogance that was displayed yesterday is too big to overlook and kenya needs more than eloquency and PR For the top office. Change is on its way.
Anyone who turns up for any rally organised by the two principles is not only a disgrace to the entire country but to their upcoming generation. The debate was scheduled on 14th july then re-scheduled to  24th and still the president was a no show. then mr.kenyat brought up the issue of sharing the same podium with the other contestants and it was then changed to suit him and still missed out despite the fact that the right honerable prime minister was against spliting podiums with the other contestants. The sense of entitlement in this people is very sickening and its high time we say enough is enough.



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